Nanoscience Conference | Nanoscience Congress | Nanotechnology Conference | Singapore | 2022

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Nano Science 2022


We would like to congratulate Conference Series for organizing Nano science and Nanotechnology 2022 conference scheduled on  November 21-22, 2022 as we’re delighted to welcome you to the 34th International Conference on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, occur in Singapore City, Singapore. This event takes place over 2 days and might comprise plenary lecture, parallel sessions, poster sessions, and our ever-popular Workshop events, with something to suit all Nanotechnologist and Nano materials research. We know you would like it and you also get many opportunities.



NANO SCIENCE 2022 invites all the experts and researchers from the Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering sector everywhere the globe to attend “34th International Conference on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology NANO SCIENCE 2022 which goes to be prevailed November 21-22, 2022 at Singapore City, Singapore. NANO SCIENCE 2022 conference includes Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster Presentations, Workshops, and Exhibitors. Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering are forthcoming use in healthcare, electronics, cosmetics, and other areas. Nanomaterial’s are the weather with the best measurement of size 10-9 meter. The theme of the conference is about “ The International Nanotech and Nanoscience Conference & Exhibition”During the conference International symposiums, discussion and B2B meetings are organized and also International workshops are conducted supported the precise topics associated with Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering.

The properties of the many materials change when the scale of their dimensions approaches Nanometers is that the foremost interesting things about Nanotechnology. Materials scientists work to apprehend those property changes and utilize them within the processing and manufacture of materials at the Nanoscale. The sphere of materials science covers the invention, characterization, properties, and quit-use of Nanoscale materials.

The most other engineering majors work with Nanotechnology, but the center of nanotechnology is Materials Science and Materials Engineering across all the disciples. Singapore City, Singapore conference is additionally comprised of Best Post Awards, Best speech Awards, Young Researchers Forums (YRF) and also Video Presentation by experts. We are glad to welcome you all to affix and register for the “34th International Conference on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology “(NANO SCIENCE 2022) which goes to be persisted November 21-22, 2022



It made me pause to think for an instant. As a conference organizer, this is often the final word question. Even more now after we are tasked with the “new norm”, social distancing, an economic scenario like none we've got previously experienced. Whether in-person events within the not-too-distant future or the wave of digital and online events currently, there are many translatable benefits to share. once I first entered the “conference , I used to be oblivious and ignorant to the most answer to the present question. That being said, i'm a believer that there isn’t a definitive answer which applies to everyone 13 years later. As a junior conference organizer, i used to be circuitously taught the basic reasons on why people attend industry events.

I learnt this over time, having witnessed the social and academic benefits which conferences waken attendees, speakers and sponsors alike. Again, no two events are the identical, and one mustn’t confuse a conference with a display or other event types. Participant agendas are often completely different during this respect.

Top 5 reasons on why people attend conferences, and the way conferences can benefit attendees within the modern age we sleep in, especially given what quantity free information is quickly available to us, and the way important our time is.

A big reason for visiting conferences is to fulfill with likeminded people and industry peers. Conferences pile up people from all different geographical areas who share a standard discipline or field, and that they are a good thanks to meet new people in your field and it helps in to extend your network,


You may hear plenty about things in your field which will be new you. These might be new techniques, new sorts of equipment, unpublished data, or learn from thought-leaders that you just might not have previously heard of. You well get to stay onto of the research of a number of the most important names in your field, additionally to a number of the most recent faces in it. Conferences provide you with the chance to speak to those people one-on-one about what they're functioning on, and that they may even offer you advice on the way to enhance your own work to expand your knowledge and find solutions to problems.

This is a two-fold good thing about attending conferences, since not only may you learn things outside your field about other areas of research in your discipline, but conference attendance even have many sessions for professional development and career advice. chances are high that, after you move to a conference the attendees are united by one broad topic but they need many alternative sub-fields of study, and plenty of projects are multidisciplinary.



1) Nanotechnologist

2) Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors

3) Ph.D. Scholars

4) Directors, CEO’s of Organizations

5) Association Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Professionals

6) Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine

7) Pharmaceutical development companies

8) Research Institutes and members

9) Graduates and Postgraduates

10) Medical devices Manufacturing Companies

11) Training Institutes

12) Business Entrepreneurs

13) Applications Engineer

14) Director of Research

15) Optical Engineer

16) Product Marketing Engineer

17) Research Scientist



It has a huge scope in the upcoming generations. It is the third highest booming field when compared with IT and Internet. In India, Bangalore and Chennai are the manufacturing hub for IT and Medicine. The Indian government has already started Nanoscience and Nanotechnology initiatives and various funding agencies like the Department of Science and Technology. Nanobiotechnology may increase agriculture’s potential to reap feedstocks for industrial processes. Agro-Nano connects the dots in the industrial organic phenomenon and goes one step further down. With new Nano-scale techniques of blending and harnessing genes, genetically modified plants become atomically modified plants. Pesticides is also more precisely packaged to knock-out unwanted pests, and artificial flavorings and natural nutrients engineered to please the palate. Visions of an automatic, centrally-controlled industrial agriculture can now be implemented using molecular sensors, molecular delivery. The agricultural industry isn't any exception. So far, the employment of Nanotechnology in agriculture has been mostly theoretical, but it's begun and can still have a major effect within the main areas of the food industry: development of recent functional materials, development, and style of methods and instrumentation for food safety and bio-security. The results on society as a full are going to be dramatic. Nanotechnology will be used for combating the plant diseases either by controlled delivery of functional molecules or as diagnostic tool for disease detection.



 (1) Nanotechnology

Today nanotechnology is not a new things or term but in that there is lots of research in this field. Nanotechnology has the vide scope today because it comes in the field of engineering, medical, biotechnology etc. There are lots of areas & field where the nanotechnology comes. These are :

(2) Nanomedicine & Nano-sensors

Nanomedicine is application of nanotechnology in the field of medicine. Future application of molecular nanotechnology such biological machine. It is very useful for diagnosis, protection & treatments. Nanosensors is also play an important role because nanosensor detect the nano changes of every things. Nanosensors also be used for monitoring the human body disease for better  treatment in medicine. Such as:

  • Glucose Monitoring
  • Asthma detection
  • Detection of Virus
  • Detection of bacteria
  • Protein & DNA detection

(3) Nanobiotechnology & Nano-safety

Development the tool from nanotechnology for study in biological phenomena. In the field of medical sciences it has lots of potential. From the various nanotechnological products we triggered a pathophysiological condition & anatomical changes of diseases or inflamed tissues in different ways.

  • Diagnostic application
  • Therapeutic application
  • Gene delivery

(4) Energy and Environment

Nanotechnology play an important role in the field of energy. Most of the energy storage device like batteries, capacitors, fuel cells are developed with the use of this technology. But scientist also doing a research on that for how this technology impact the environment. Some the benefits for this technology in the field of energy & environment.

  • Climate protection
  • Save seas
  • Water cleanliness
  • Pollution prevention
  • Creating a delicate balance

(5) Nanoelectronics and Nano-photonics

Nanoelectronics is refers to the use of Nanotechnology in electronic components. These components are often only a few Nano meter in size. Nano electronics helps the study of the synthesis and characterization of materials of Nano scale size. Nano photonics studies the behaviour of light on nano meter scales as well as interactions of nano meter sized objects with lights.

  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Spintronics
  • Nanotechnology in physics
  • Nano scanning probe and microscopy
  • Amplifiers and Isolator
  • Electro-optic Modulators
  • Nanodots

(6) Nano-chemistry & Wet Nanotechnology

New branch of chemistry developed with unique properties by combination of atoms or molecules of nanoscale called nanochemistry. It focus on how atoms interact & behave, how they can manipulate control in chemical reaction at atomic level. Now the important term today we use are wet nanotechnology which also a part of engineering so wet nanotechnology also refer to wet engineering.

  • Nanodiamonds
  • Fluorescent(nitrogen vacancy)
  • Nanowire composition
  • Nanoenzymes

(7)  Green Nanotechnology & Water Treatment

There is new term use for environment sustainability by use of nanotechnology is green nanotechnology. In green nanotechnology, we make a green nano-product which is nature friendly & not affect environment with their use. It is use for water treatment also. It include treatment of

  • Surface water
  • Ground water
  • Waste water

(8) Nano-characterization &Nanomanufacturing

The characterization of nano particale is known as nanocharacterization. There are lots of technique used for nanocharacterization. These are

(9)  Applications of Nanotechnology in Corona Virus Diagnosis & Treatment

We know that today whole world impact with covid-19 pandemic there is lots of research is continue to solve this problem and invent vaccine for this disease. Nanotechnology play important role to produce that device who solve this kind of problem. Eventhough there is no solution for this disease but some protection device will be used which made by nanoparticle or technology.

  • Mask
  • Glove
  • Sanitizer
  • Virus detector

(10)  Nanotech in other fields

There are lots of branch of technology. Time to time there is separation of their branches according to their application. Nanotechnology is also come from them. Now the nanotechnology have the many application so there is some other field where it can be applied

(11)    Nanomaterials, biomaterials & synthesis

At a level of nano scale the chemical substance or material we use are known as nanomaterial. A substance which is used in medical purpose with biological system ,repair or replace a tissue function of body. Synthesis is the creation of nanomaterials with some techniques or methods.

  • Coprecipetation
  • Hypothermal synthesis
  • Template synthesis
  • Biological synthesis

(12)  Nano Engineering

Nano engineering is the another branch of engineering in which we study application, properties of nano material with the help of some expert or professional. It deal with building, design & use of engine, machine 7 structure. Topics that will be covered in nano engineering

(13) Nanotoxicology

Study of toxicity of nanomaterial is called nanotoxicology. It is sub speciality of oarticle toxicity. Ther is toxic effect of nanomaterial which are not seen with large particles.

  • Study data presentation
  • Minimal set of parameters
  • Silicon prediction

(14) Nanotechnology Applications

Nanotechnology has the wide applications where it can be used.

  • Commercial product
  • Food packing
  • Disinfectant and household appliances etc.

(15) Research on Covid-19 Medicine and Vaccine

There are lots of research are continue to obtain the medicine and vaccine of covid-19. In November 2020 two nano particle based vaccines are closely obtained by the approval of US food & administration against the fight against covid-19 pandemic. Two companies also announces the clinical trial of their vaccines. These are

  • BioNtech
  • Pfizer
  • Lots  of research is going to be continue to solve covid-19 issue

(16) Nanofabrication

Component sizes that were in tens of micrometers became single-digit micrometers, and so many nanometers, so went right down to some tens of nanometers where they stand today. As a result, what wont to be called micro fabrication was rebranded as nanofabrication, although the governing principles have remained essentially the identical. the most driver of this technology has been the manufacture of integrated circuits, but there are tremendous fallout benefits to other areas, including photonics.

  • High-density microprocessor
  • programmable Nano machines
  • QOAM (Quality Open Access Market)
  • Micro fabrication

(17) Functional Nano materials

Electrochemical biosensors and associated lab-on-a-chip devices are the analytical system of choice when rapid and on-site results are needed in medical diagnostics and food safety, for environmental protection, process control, wastewater treatment, and life sciences discovery research among many others. A premier example is that the glucose sensor utilized by diabetic patients.

  • Biosensors
  • Protected for environment
  • Multiscale approach
  • Structureless

(18) Molecular Engineering

Molecular engineering is extremely interdisciplinary naturally, encompassing aspects of chemical engineering, materials science, bioengineering, engineering, physics, engineering, and chemistry. there's also considerable overlap with nanotechnology, in this both are concerned with the behavior of materials on the size of nanometers or smaller.

(19) Bio nanotechnology and Nano medicine

Nanotechnology has great promise in biology and medicine. This includes new approaches to fundamental studies, improved methods for detection of protein or nucleic acid-based biomarkers of disease, and new ways to administer drugs or vaccines or enhancing their effects. The tools of nanotechnology provide new insights into mechanisms of normal biological functions and diseases.

  • 3D Cell Culture Facility
  • Lyo HUB
  • Ziaie Biomedical Micro devices Laboratory
  •  Travelling technology
  • Nano biotechnology Lanthanide

(20) Graphene and 2D materials

Graphene is an allotrope of carbon within the style of a two-dimensional, atomic-scale, hexagonal lattices within which one atom form each vertex. it's the fundamental structural element of other allotropes, including graphite, charcoal, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.

  • Graphene sheets
  • Nano platelets
  • Composite materials
  • Graphene nanotubes
  • 2D material technologies

(21) Nano Robotics, Assembly and Automation

Nano robotics is that the technology that's wont to create machines whose size is in nanometer. Mainly Nano robots are of high significance within the research and development phase. The most purpose of nano robots is to hold out a particular task redundantly and with precision at nano scale dimensions. Nano robots are employed in medical field to destroy cancer cells and for other purposes.

  • Swarm Robotics
  • Nano robotics Design and Control
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robot Automation
  • Medical Robotics

(22) Essential role of Nanotechnology and Nano science in COVID-19

The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that caused the COVID-19 disease pandemic since December 2019 highlights the importance of developing efficient antiviral strategies to stop and treat infection. Virus particles are Nanosized, therefore design strategies are suitable to develop advanced Nano and quantum materials that may interact with and mimic virus particles. Quantum science and Nano science can help within the synthesis and functionalization of Nano materials for virus prevention, treatment, and detection.

  • Contemporary vaccines
  • Nucleic acid-based vaccines
  • Subunit vaccines
  • Peptide-based vaccines
  • Nano-based vaccines

(23) Nano-based vaccines

Recently, nanoparticles have caught attention as a promising approach to the event of a replacement generation of vaccines, since the nanoparticles can both function a carrier for the antigen and behave as an adjuvant in many cases. additionally, nano-based vaccines can protect antigens against premature degradation and supply sustained release, enhanced antigen stability, and supply targeted delivery of an immunogen, still as increase the amount of antigen exposure and uptake by antigen presenting cells (APCs)

  • New generation of vaccine
  • Enhanced antigen stability
  • Nanoparticles design for virus inhibition
  • Viral vectors

(24) Investments in Nanotechnology

The financial sector will have a key role in transferring technology knowledge from the research centres to the industry and therefore the markets. sizeable investments are needed, especially within the seed phase. a more in-depth cooperation between the financial community and nanotechnology companies can help to beat these barriers. By the top of 2004 venture capitalists had already invested $1 billion in nano companies, nearly 1/2 that alone in 2003 and 2004. it's expected that the majority of those nanotechnology companies are going to be sold through trade sales

  • Financial sector
  •  Development of latest products
  • Sizeable investments
  • Technical due diligence
  •  Well-funded companies
  •  commercialization

(25)   Era of Nanotechnology

There was a progress in nanotechnology since the first ideas of Feynman until 1981 when the physicists Gird Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer invented a replacement style of microscope at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory).  

  • The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
  • Atomic force microscope (AFM)

(26) Synthesis and Characterization Techniques of Nano materials

Nano materials are synthetized by different methods supported the categories and nature of the Nano materials. During broad sense “top-down” and “bottom-up” are the two foremost methods to synthesize Nano materials.  Top-down method bulk materials are reduced to Nano materials, and just in case of bottom-up method, the Nano materials are synthesized from elementary level.

  • Chemical vapor deposition method.
  • Thermal decomposition.
  • Hydrothermal synthesis.
  • Solvothermal method.
  • Templating method.
  • Conventional Sol-Gel method
  • Scanning probe microscopes (SPM)

(27)  Nano devices, Nano electronics and Nano sensors

Nano devices, the quickest moving segment of the final market, the Nanotech research involves in smart sensors and smart delivery system. The broadest sense, Nano devices are the critical enablers which will. allow mankind to use the final word technological capabilities of electronic, magnetic, mechanical, and biological systems* Magnetic Nano devices

  • Nano-biosensors
  • Nano switches
  • Optical biosensors
  • Magnetoresistance.
  • Electron and nuclear spin devices.
  • Energy harvesting systems (photonic)

(28) Organic and Inorganic Nano materials

Most Nano materials that are commonly composed of silicon and whose chemical (molecular) properties range from sub-nanometer to few nanometer levels are well-defined crystallographic ally materials employed in super molecular chemistry. The raw materials utilized in making glass, quartz, and  desiccants  accommodates  particulate properties that outline additives and bulk properties. Hardness of materials is related to properties of ceramics or metals and is never allied with polymer.

(29)  Biomaterials and Nano biotechnology

Biomaterials include living tissue and artificial materials used for the repair, replacement, and stimulation of biological systems. Nanotechnology involves the event and use of technologies that care for the nanometer length scale, round the size of an outsized biomolecule. The chemical, physical, toxicological, mechanical, electrochemical and optical behavior of nanostructured materials for biotechnology applications (pharmaceutical, drug delivery systems, cosmetics, food technology, bioconversion, renewable energy and energy storage, bio sensing, Nano medicine, tissue engineering, implantable medical devices, bio photonics, Nano medicine including photodynamic therapy, oncology).

  • Biological system
  • molecular interactions
  • Nano crystals and bio-crystallization processes

(30) Nano materials

Nano materials are chemical substances or materials that are manufactured and used at a awfully small scale. Nano materials are developed to exhibit novel characteristics compared to the identical material without Nano scale features, like increased strength, chemical reactivity or conductivity.

(31) Tools and techniques of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology tools and instruments are the hardware, software and supplies accustomed measure and manipulate structures on the Nano scale. They include microscopes, probes, lithography systems, manipulation and fabrication systems, software and other accessories. Rarely are these instruments unique to nanotechnologies. Most of them were developed in other industries, especially in semiconductors and chip making, where submicron manufacturing principles have fueled the communications explosion.

  • AFM Tips, Probes, Cantilevers.
  • Ashers & Asher Systems.
  • Atom Probes.
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometers.
  • Atomic Emission Spectrometers.


The Nanotechnology Market size was accounted $65.1 billion in 2020 and estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16.9% during the forecast period 2021-2026. The market growth is attributed to increasing application of nanotechnology like nanotubes and Nano composites in various sectors including electronics and semiconductors. In electronics and semiconductors, nanotechnology is being employed to enhance display screens, decrease power consumption and thickness, and increase the storage capacity of memory chips; while reducing its physical size, which successively ends up in miniaturization of electronic gadgets. The growing need for monitoring and evaluating the interactions of Nanomaterial’s is standing as a challenge for the market. Also, the shortage of a uniform market and quality benchmark establishment are challenging factors that the market is facing.

Nanotechnology Market Segment Analysis  

The usage of nanotechnology in drug development will witness growth within the future at 18.5% CAGR through 2026. Additionally, Nanotechnology is additionally utilized in diagnostic techniques and anti-bacterial treatments, as gold Nanoparticles plus actinic radiation can destroy bacteria. Furthermore, research are being carried to harness electricity produced by Nano-generators that are worn by patients, it may be helpful to cut back blood loss and heal the injuries faster. These diverse applications of Nanotechnology in healthcare sector will observe further developments, which can support the Nanotechnology market growth. Except for ageing and rising population the improvements in purchasing power and access to quality healthcare and pharmaceuticals to poor and middle-class families worldwide is also driving the expansion of pharmaceutical sector globally. Overall spending growth is driven by a variety of things including new product uptake and brand pricing, while it's offset by patent expiration and generic medicines. Raw materials from China are utilized in making antibiotics, paracetamol, and diabetes and cardiovascular drugs, among others.

Nanotechnology Market Segment Analysis - By Geography

North America dominated the world Nanotechnology market with an estimated share of about 36.4% in 2020, which was majorly attributed to significant R&D investments in Nanotechnology within the region. In the U.S., out of around 600 companies that manufacture Nanotechnology based products, 55 are from construction sector, this shows an interest of companies to cater the employment of Nanotechnology in construction sector, which is able to increase the adoption of Nanotechnology within the construction sector during the forecast period.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 21-22, 2022

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology Nano Research & Applications

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by